
Showing posts from 2012

Tutorial 2: Setting local Django devlopment environment on linux mint

I was introduced to Djnago some time ago, it was on amazon accessed using git. I did not set any local environment yet To make any change I would first edit it on my system then push to assembla git repo and then pull it on server and restart and if I made any silly mistake redo the same thing. So after 2-3 changes I got sick of it. There was a better solution that was hard to achieve in windows. So without wasting time I will list the steps and errors 1. Install any linux distro  (the one with which you are comfortable and have good software repo system), I am using mint which is ubuntu derivative 2. SOFTWARES from ubuntu repo sudo apt-get install python-django sudo apt-get install mysql-server sudo apt-get install mysql-python sudo apt-get install python-pip optional- sudo apt-get install python-dev sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin 3. pipy apps  If you have already been working on remote server you may have install some local applications like django-re...

Thought ( मनन ) - 27: Yet another Introduction of me

I am just a living being. I do not know what is the purpose of my life yet.  But its for sure that I I will not expect anything from my future generation (I believe in them. They will do right according to their knowledge) and I will not let anyone have unnecessary expectations from me. If I will expect anything from anyone, it will be me. I will always try to being true to myself because most of the time problems arises because one lie to himself.

Thought ( मनन ) - 26: सपने हो, बाकी लोगो के सपनो के मूल्य पर न हो

After watching chakravyuh everybody's reaction - god movie hai, pataa nahin chalta who is right and who is wrong. My reaction -  इंसान की ये ही व्यथा है, हमेशा तुलनात्मक नजरो से देखता है | अगर एक चीज़ गलत होगी तो दूसरी सही होनी चाहिए | यह कभी नहीं सोचता की दोनों सही हो सकती है या दोनों गलत हो सकती है | इंसान सपने खुद के लिए देखता है या फिर कुछ अपने लोगो के लिए देखता है | फिर वह उम्मीद रखता है कि इन सपनो को कोई पूरा करेगा या फिर पूरा करने में मदद करेगा | अगर ऐसा हो कि इंसान सपने दूसरो के लिए देखे और उन्हें पूरा करने की उम्मीद खुद से रखे तो शायद लोगो के मन से घ्रणा थोड़ी कम हो | हमारे पूर्वजो ने शायद कुछ चीजे हमें सही तरह समझा नहीं पाए | उन्होंने हमें सिखाया कि सपने देखना चाहिए, पर ये बोलना भूल गए कि वो सपने बाकी लोगो के सपनो के मूल्य पर न हो | उन्होंने बताया कि बिना इच्छाओ के जीवन अधूरा है पर शायद वो ये बताना भूल गए कि इच्छाए सिर्फ हमारी नहीं सब लोगो की होती है | कुछ ने हमें ये भी बताया कि एक नया संसार बनाओ पर ये बताना भूल गए कि उस संसार को अंत तक देखने की इच्छाए नहीं रखन...

Thought ( मनन ) - 25: चल जिदगी जी ले

मैंने अपना पहला लेख (उत्तर पुस्तिका को छोड़ के) आठवी कक्षा में लिखा था | उस लेख का विषय था 'प्यार', पर उसमे मेरी कहानी नहीं थी बल्कि कुछ सवाल थे और कुछ जवाब भी थे | सवाल इस बारे में थे कि प्यार किस चिड़िया का नाम है, इसे सिर्फ दो प्रेमियों से क्यों जोड़ा जाता है और जवाब इसलिए कि मुझे हमेशा से (सिर्फ) प्रश्न करने वालो से थोडा सा लगाव कम रहा है | मैं समझता हूँ कि प्रश्न करने से पहले इंसान को खुद जवाब ढूंढने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए, अगर कोशिश की है तो आपके पास कुछ जवाब होंगे - सही या गलत मायने नहीं रखता | कभी कभी मैं ये भी सोचता हूँ कि मैंने जिंदगी में किसी से प्यार नहीं किया | हिंदी लिखते  वक़्त शब्द कहाँ से कहाँ पहुँच जाते है कुछ पता नहीं चलता | "चल जिदगी जी ले " - हाल ही में प्रकाशित हुई फिल्म बर्फी के लिए है | फिल्म का मेरे दिल के करीब होने के कई कारण  है पर जिसका जिक्र मैं करना चाहता हूँ वो है - ख़ुशी ।  ख़ुशी कहाँ नहीं है? इक ये ही तो चीज़ है जिस पर तुम्हारा हक़ है, जो तुम्हारे हक़ को परिभाषित करती है । इक यही तो चीज़ है जो तुम्हारी जिंदगी को परिभाषित करती है , ...

Thought ( मनन ) - 24: Reservation : Nice topic to Debate

My post is invalidated after reading indra-sawhney judgement Remove the caste system..............caste based reservation will automatically removed. I am from ST and I believe that reservation should be based on economic condition and not caste. Some people will ask why didn't you reject reservation after 12th or at that time when you got scholarship and at that time. (like people ask IAC team why were you only focused at lokpal at that time and now you are going against all parties, may be you have political agenda). I wanted to go in politics but I am not good with that stuff. So why I am writing this? I just want to understand why everything is going the way its going and by the knowledge I gain if I am able to change someone's thinking in a good (most people's good and no people's bad) way, its better. Now going back to the topic WHY ...

Thought ( मनन ) - 23: Anger and my family

There is an interesting trend in my family line and that is how they show their anger. Actually I am very proud about this trend in my family. The special thing is that many times no one knows that a person is angry, even the one upon whom anger is focused at. In my case sometimes even I don't know that I am angry at someone(:P this is too serious), after sometime I realize that I was avoiding that person due to this reason. In this post I was about to give an example of my grandfather but its too complicated to explain in written words. (short story: he was angry for years for mistake we didn't know and that mistake was corrected unknowingly and that's when we came to know he was angry) This is complete opposite and stupid compared to most of the sayings but if I say that during the time he was angry he stopped smoking and that was the way he showed anger, you may agree that it's good thinking. The example I gave is too extreme but if human kind just giv...

Thought ( मनन ) - 22: Remembering someone

सोचा था जब भी समय होगा तुम्हे याद करेंगे जब समय ही नहीं तो खाक याद करेंगे I have not written in last one or two months. I have started my new life after college as a software Engineer. I still don't know what is the final purpose of life but I like my job as I am learning new things. I am not a 100% believer in god but I believe that you will get what you want (but you should have some plan not a dream). I wanted to delve in desktop programming and as a result I am learning some new things. I am not good with emotions, Once my grandmother asked me - "Hostel me kabhi hamari yaad nahin aati?" (Do you bethink about us in Hostel?) My answer was - "yaad kaise aati hai?"(How does one do that?) and still my answer would be somewhat same.

Thought ( मनन ) - 21: My Diary

Whenever I travel in train I realize that so many people have assumed their daily job to beg in train and some of them are still capable enough to earn by working. I also met a person who was traveling with waiting list ticket. He believed that he had right to sit on any seat after whether the person who reserved it wants or not. Someone said to me to become a part of politics you should be good "chamcha" as well as good "gunda" 04-07-12

Thought ( मनन ) - 20: Right, Wrong and Regrets if any

I believed that I am always right if I did something in which I believed it. But there is always question of hurting others either knowingly or unknowingly. If some people get hurt because of me whether i want or not? whom should I blame it upon? Should I blame it upon their knowledge? Should I blame it upon situation and ignore it? If I work according to above theory...then I should at least say sorry to persons who were hurt because of me due to any reason. Well now (24-05-2012) I am happy...I have no regrets in my life....After coming to IIT I have become a better person. I have learned to face my weaknesses. I have learned to accept my weaknesses. I have learned to  beg for help from my friends (yet not that much, arrogance is in my family can not be destroyed in one generation) in time of need. I have learned that I should try to think of peoples point of view before making any opinion about them......there are many more words but I do not like long ...

Thought ( मनन ) - 19: I am no body ! - letter to ..

People always want to find reason for their life. I have written same thing many times? there is nothing who can prove you right or wrong? You just believe in something which is right up to your knowledge? If you believe its right, it is right. If you believe some thing is wrong it is wrong, it is wrong. Just do what you think is will be right according to your knowledge...Never envy people...nobody is completely happy and nobody is completely sad... everybody is sad and everybody is happy. If there is no sadness value of happiness will there will always be requirement of negative emotion to neutralize positive emotion. You can not expect happiness always ...if this happens you will be bored from this emotion.     Although it seems that I am little ahead of you, still I am nobody. You have helped me in becoming a better personality. You have taught me many things .. People may not know them but I do. I am nobody, why do you envy me?... if...

Thought ( मनन ) - 18: India and Problems of India

These problems are not specific to India only but these are a few of many problems that affect the development of India. Although these are pretty serious problems the main problem is thinking of people. Selfishness(also unable to think about others), Greed, Fear, Desire to be remembered, envy etc. 01. Population   : 1.210 Billion (2nd), 368.6/km 2 (31st) Best Solution Yet: Try to introduce one child idea from now 02. Corruption   : 55% people, 95/178 Countries Best Solution Yet: For politicians a minimum qualification of graduation from certain universities or a good dictator 3. Literacy       : 75.06% (world average 84%) Best Solution Yet: 04. Poverty        : 41.60% below International Poverty Line Best Solution Yet: 05. Hostile people (Outside or  Inside India) - Not Countries Best Solution Yet: 06. Senitation    : HDI(Quality of life) (134th) 07. Reservation : The way it is applied should ch...

Thought ( मनन ) - 17: Endings, My peoms, life and Philosophy

I do not call myself a full fledged poet because I can't write poems when I want. Some lines good or bad comes out when they want. But I think that I did write one or two good lines that made people happy. So for some of the instances in my life I would refer myself as a Poet. Today's question is - What should be conclusion of any story be?  As  a poet as well as human being (yes, Poets are not human beings) I do not believe in a definite meaning of anything. Anything in life should and will have a different meaning when seen from different view point. I hate perfect things because they have less chance of improvement in them Many of my poems can fit in different scenarios and have different meaning, Some can have totally opposite meaning. I do not care if it does because I did not want to have a fixed meaning. When the world we live in is filled with so many geniuses why should I bother to rule them with my thinking. They have their own freedom. Think what you ...

Thought ( मनन ) - 16: My Ambition? Not sure

I will not give any opinion here just asking a question? I don't know I have ambition in my life or not. (Someone might say "Well! if you are doubtful you must not be an ambitious person."). Its not as simple as it sounds. There are things I want to do and there are things that I like to do.   But am I ambitious enough to call it ambition? ;). Do ambition mean to achieve our goal we can sacrifice some things or may be little more than some things? Finally All the posts justify I am very confused person.

Thought ( मनन ) - 15: Types of People in my life

Although most of the people after reading this post (if anyone in this blogs lifetime reads it) will think that I am arrogant (to prove them right) I don't really care if people think that.   There were and will be 4 types of people in my life. 1. Whom I will never meet again (not that I don't want but chances are very less) 2. Whom I may meet but will not care about them 3. Whom I should expect negative (bad) behavior (one or two from each long stay) 4. Whom I should trust and/or contact in need (Note: I will not tell anyone who belongs to which category...this categorization is based on "will meet or not,  should trust or not" I have no personal feeling involved in this ) (Update 25 June 2012: It was very general statement, anyone can say the same) There is one person which played very important role in my life and most probably have intervention in future also. If we take view of unknown person our thinking and ideals are in many ways similar but there...

Thought ( मनन ) - 14: Little about Myself - when do I realize the value of things?

Most of the people realizes the value of things and people around them once they loses them, I am not one of them. I am from the category of people who values things until they lose it. I forget the value of things or people around me once they get away from me. (This may be the reason why I do not have any regrets from past.. that I mentioned in my previous post.) I know the probable reason for that but leave that to some other time. I hope in future I change this personality of mine.

Thought ( मनन ) - 13: Would I live my life again?

I as a person love my past. I do not have too much regrets in my life. If god ever give me a chance to live my past again I would reject him because I would not have too much make correction and nothing will be new in that life. What I love the most in my life is variation. I am a big fan of Technology and Design. Both the things inspire me. Although nowadays both are worked with separate point of view but these two are the same thing. Coming to topic I started in first paragraph, I did have some regrets regarding things I did not do and caused due to misunderstanding. I was thinking to write it in detail but I am seeing a drama.

Thought ( मनन ) - 12: A TV Dialogue

Do you know what type of people I hate the most. Its those that work hard even when they do not have any abilities. Its people like that who exhaust society. And when other people do well they get jealous. They wonder why they are not as good when they have worked so hard. Wondering why others are doing so well when they didn’t worked as hard as themselves. And when they keep that up. They start going crooked. And when that happens, they start a revolution so if you want to make sure those crooked people can’t say anything show them what you’re capable of this time, that’s all you need to do. This paragraph or dialogue answers a major question of my life. Although I do not think of people as author sees, I respect them. The paragraph can be considered a bit of disrespect but anyone can have this much right. In my case, I am the one with no special talents (other then seeing things positively)and did not do that well but still this shit happened. May be I have some hid...

Hindi Poem (हिंदी कविता ) - 17:

मायूस ना हो मालूम होता है गिरने लगे है पत्ते नग्न हो चुकी कुछ शाखे है मायूस ना हो इस पतझर से बहारो के आने की हमने सुनी कुछ बाते है ========================================= स्वार्थ बस इतना मांगता हूँ मैं जो भी करू खुश रहू मेरा परिवार खुश रहे मेरा देश प्रसंनित हो और संसार खुश रहे मेरा भला हो मेरे परिवार का भला हो भला हो देश का ये संसार फूले फले ========================================= सीधे साधे शब्द सीधे साधे शब्द है सीधी सी मेरी कविता है सीधी है ......(जलेबी) और सीधे से ही हम है परेशां है हम दिल से प्यार करना मुश्किल नहीं नफरत करना मुश्किल है ये दिल बड़ा कातिल है कि फूल देखा नहीं मोहब्बत पहले कर बैठता है और मना करो तो छुईमुई कि भांति एठ्ता है ........... लिखा हुआ हर एक शब्द काल्पनिक है | इसका किसी भी व्यक्ति या वस्तु से वास्तविक सम्बन्ध नहीं है | अगर किसी व्यक्ति का इससे कोई वास्तविक सम्बन्ध पाया जाता है तो यह मात्र एक संयोग होगा | ============================================== वजह - Reason हाँ इसकी वजह कई है उनमे से एक यही है तुमसे ...

Thought ( मनन ) - 10: (Technical) Mobile trend, Will it bring a new change?

The trend of mobile devices is going on. People buy very less number of PCs and the sale of tablets and smartphones are skyrocketing. So it is obvious for os giants like Microsoft and Ubuntu(Linux) start to develop their product for mobiles or tablets. When we have some good competitor in market there is always a risk in making big change. And if the change is to the front-end or user interface then the risk is more. I am not a very experienced person about what a user thinks but there are some events in history which verify my statement of disastrous UX changes. So let’s see in future which rookie rises or which experienced looses its touch or for best or  worst everything remains the same.

Thought ( मनन ) - 11: Questions of life

I often think - "why we live? What is the desire or what is the aim of our life? Why do we have so much longing, liking, dislike or hatred? Why do we want to achieve anything? Why do we love a small faction of world's population? why do we love one more than other?" "Why do people want to be remembered after they die? Why do people want to be famous?" We don't know what it the smallest element of every life or what is the biggest thing in universe or whatever we may call that. We don't know if universe has a limit or not by the way if it has a limit then it would not be the ultimate thing because then we would know after that boundary there exist something.