Thought ( मनन ) - 18: India and Problems of India

These problems are not specific to India only but these are a few of many problems that affect the development of India. Although these are pretty serious problems the main problem is thinking of people.
Selfishness(also unable to think about others), Greed, Fear, Desire to be remembered, envy etc.

01. Population   : 1.210 Billion (2nd), 368.6/km2 (31st)
Best Solution Yet: Try to introduce one child idea from now

02. Corruption   : 55% people, 95/178 Countries
Best Solution Yet: For politicians a minimum qualification of graduation from certain universities
or a good dictator

3. Literacy       : 75.06% (world average 84%)
Best Solution Yet:

04. Poverty        : 41.60% below International Poverty Line
Best Solution Yet:

05. Hostile people (Outside or  Inside India) - Not Countries
Best Solution Yet:

06. Senitation    : HDI(Quality of life) (134th)
07. Reservation : The way it is applied should change (Cast basis should be removed)
08. Constitution: Too many laws and few people who are aware of them
09. Calamities awareness   : Flood, Earthquake, Epidemic etc.
10. Brain Drain

Social rules and beliefs
11. Dowery
12. Widow System
13. Gender Inequality
14. Beggary
15. Child labour
16. Religious violence
17. Wastage of money on many religious rituals
18. Race, creed, sex, caste, color

Education or Infrastructure Based Issues

21. Marketing Illiteracy among Farmers : Agriculture sector contain 50% of Indian Work Force.
22. Monsoon Based Agriculture
23. Electricity
24. Roads(Transportation System)
25. Information Technology awareness (Should be handled now before it becomes a issue )
26. Malnutrition
27. Diseases
28. Inadequate safe drinking water 

Most of the intelligent people I meet thinks about problems and their possible solutions. But they do not have any solutions that they can apply or achieve solely. There was one idea that one of my friend gave -

I want to ask each and every student studying in or above 5th class(standard). The first question in every final exam should be -
"What are the problems of India? What is one possible solution of one of the problem? What should be done to make world a better place to live in?"
The best answer from each class should be sent to principal, the best from school to collector, the best from district to state and so on...

It was a good idea but to implement this he should acquire a good enough political position.


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