Thought ( मनन ) - 6: For population of India
Population is a subject of which the perception varies with the viewpoint of the observer. To the demographer it is an exercise in statistics, to the politician a matter of votes, to the economist it is dissipation of wealth,
to the bureaucrat a problem of feeding, clothing, educating and housing
the masses and to the industrialist a source of labour. For the
affluent countries and the small affluent class in the poor countries it poses a threat to the existing order on which they thrive.
In the absence of a concomitant desire to promote the social and economic development
and welfare, the poor realize that it is children who provide them the
only source of love and economic security in an increasingly hostile
These two paragraphs are taken from internet (no
specific source). So reading this I thought what are the biggest reasons
for having more than two children in a family.
1. To continue their breed
3. Proof of their manliness
4. Less decision-making by women
5. Wanting a more number of male Children (Because of dowry and other stuff)
Problem associated with India's population explosion have so far been treated as something concerning just the Govt. and few NGOs.
But there are huge business opportunities that can be unlocked if these
problem can be tackled even marginally. It is time that entrepreneurs
made an attempt at tackling them.
Even if India were to reduce its population growth rate to zero. The population problem that we are facing will not go away and its rank as second populous country is unlikely to change .
Ways to decrease population growth rate
1. Education - Family Planning
2. Govt. Incentives for small families
3. Encourage adoption
4. Special incentives for girl child and Girl education
5. Special packages for senior citizens -> for economic security
For family of more than two children
1. No rashan card
2. No free education
3. No reservation
for two or fewer children -> Govt = God
for more than two children -> Govt = Devil
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