Thought ( मनन ) - 5: (Technical) An OS can't make person Intelligent or dumb

Yesterday I was doing something on Ubuntu (which was installed on windows 8 via Virtual Box), A Ubuntu user came and commented

1. ooh! You are using an open source OS on windows OS

His expressions were like - The greatest sin is using an open source OS on windows OS.

I was like - Holy Shit! What have I done? Why did I choose this course?

2. Is it virus free?

3. The wi-fi is not connecting because you are using ubuntu on windows

Some people have requirement which can be fulfilled by one OS. Some people want to try all the things available. Some people believe that one OS is not enough even if it's free. I do web design, graphics design, video editing, animation design and little bit desktop programming. Now I took this course which teaches about shell scripting and python programming. So I installed Ubuntu on Virtual Box to skip the pain of restarting every time you want to use some software of different OS.

Now coming to virus, I know Ubuntu doesn't have virus problem and Windows Does. But (to Ubuntu users) there are some things called security and anti-virus. If I have my antivirus updated and I do not download every random stuff that i see on screen, there are very less chances that my computer will have virus in it. In last 4 years I did not have any virus problem with Norton installed.

And third comment was the most absurd. I don't need to explain this.

I have used three OS (Mac, Ubuntu and Windows 8) and I appreciate each of them for their functionality and Ubuntu specially for being Open source.


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