Basic principles of UX?

  1.  Discoverability - If user can't find it, it does not exist.
  2. Signifiers           - Calling for action (Click me, edit profile picture, button, arrow etc) showing  possible actions
  3.  Feedback          - Showing that button is clicked, page is loading... giving user feedback that it is working
  4.  Conceptual models and mental models - top Navigation bar, sitemap at bottom
  5.  Mappings  - How knobs, thermometers work
  6.  Constraints
  7. Consistency, standards, Heuristics
  8. Pattern and Learnability
  9. Visual Hierarchy and emphasis - size, proximity, color, opacity, and actual tonal contrast between elements
  10.  Fitts law - The time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target.
  11.  Gutenberg Diagram, Z- and F-Pattern Layouts
  12. Recognition Rather than Recall
  13. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design
  14. Error Prevention 


Large buttons are easy to target. Taking advantage of Fitts' Law, one can also introduce constraints to prevent errors: note the far left placement of the "Cancel" button.



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