Questions for EPFO

 *21 Questions that should be considered in EPFO (IMHO)* 

1. What are the educational qualifications and age of the stakeholders/member?

2. What is the ratio of claims vs. the staff which are processing them in each office and number of grievance filed in each office?

3. Which type of claims the stakeholders can file in the portal?

4. What documents are required with each type and any other prerequisite?

5. How much time is taken by a user who logged out after filing the claim?

6. How many claims are filed for each type in the last financial year and year before that?

7. What is the settlement and rejection ratio for each type of claim?

8. What is the average amount claimed for each type of claim?

9. What is the average claim type per stakeholder?

10. How many avg number of  clicks are required for processing each type of claim?

11. How many pages are without data after each such 1000 clicks while processing claims?

12. How many avg seconds are required for each claim type processing?

13. What is the average pendency period for each type of claim?

14. What is the count, avg resolution type of each grievance category, count of counter questions for each grievance category?

15. Types of claim and counts of claims filed offline,

16  Type of documents required with each type of offline claim ?

17. Demographic profile of stakeholders and type of documents submitted offline by stakeholders?

18. At what keywords/link does the user clicks after logging in the portal and the last activity S/he performs?

19. How much money does a member withdraw from PF annually compared to his annual contribution? (can a simple formula be derived from this data if the EPF claims can be converted to 1 claim per annum)?

20. How many reports are being sent from the RO to ZO each month? & ZO to HO?

21. How many numerical data points are available only with RO and How many data points are available in the system in all reports sent during a month?


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