Tumblr posts about sexplanation, DoeEyes and Dr. Lindsay Doe

I just came to know about youtube channels:DoeEyes and sexplanation by Dr. Lindsay Doe
I thought of reviewing it myself but my words were not doing justice. Instead, I decided to collect different posts from tumblr.

Youtube links: DoeEyes, sexplanations

Brighten your day up and squee for 10 seconds

Okay I thought I wasn’t really going to be into watching the sexplanations channel just because it was a bunch of medical stuff but Lindsey, the host, is so fucking hilarious and adorable. Great channel to check out guys, you learn a lot and it’s just enjoyable. Many thanks for Hank, John, and the nerdfighteria census for letting me know about this great channel I missed.

This woman makes me happy.

I really love Dr. Doe. Sexplanations has become one of my favorite YouTube channels to watch; she’s just so cute.

I love youtube channel sexplanations. Dr. Lindsey Doe is my favorite sex educator on the internet. -

This is a prime example of why I love Dr. Doe. She’s loving, enthusiastic, and recognizes that her advice may not be right for your situation.

Check her out further on youtube with the show Sexplanations  or on tumblr with tumblingdoe

If you’re not already, subscribe to sexplanations on YouTube! Amazing show in the nerdfighter spectrum that clovers a ton of information about sex, gender, and more!

please pleeeeaassee watch this video on using less harmful language when referring to sex, gender, and orientation. it will only cost you 6 minutes of your time and the information is coming directly from a board certified sexologist! You will be using this information for the rest of your life, i can guarantee that. :)

“Perfect” Human Been watching a lot of Doe Eyes. Also Lindsey’s someone I really want to be friends with.

So in honor of ace awareness week, I thought I’d share one of my personal favorite videos on the subject, by the lovely Lindsey Doe. This is her channel if you wanna check out all of her videos (which I definitely recommend).

I want you all to watch Sexplanations on youtube. The best modern sex-ed I’ve seen.

i really believe that our society is going to see an incredible and overwhelmingly positive shift in our methods of education over the next 20-30 years (maybe even sooner) from primarily lecture-based classroom instruction to primarily interactive, individualized, digital learning.
and the best part is that it’s not going to get steamrollered by Congress or whatever (or whoever) because it’s already happening all over the Internet. Crash Course, Sexplanations, Vi Hart, CGPGrey, minutephysics, et all on YouTube, Duolingo and Memrise for language acquisition, Codeacademy for programming, Fitocracy for fitness, and on and on. there are no downsides, and there aren’t going to be any downsides. this has to be the most exciting time to be alive ever in all of history.

thank you tumblingdoe for teaching me more about sex and flirting in one evening (without ever feeling yucky or grossed out) than in my entire 27 years before! now i finally know what flirting actually looks like! up til now I’ve been blissfully ignorant.

Always learning something new with this channel, absolutely love it :D

I’ve been liking this Sexplanations series, mostly because Dr. Lindsey Doe is ADORABLE. 

I’m kinda annoyed right now and so I’m gonna go watch sexplanations to calm down

I think its important that everyone about my age or a bit older or younger knows about the YouTube channels laci green and sexplanations because it’s information everyone should have access to if they want it and I think they do a really good job of passing on this information
Go subscribe, but more importantly, go watch

I want to visit visit missoula just so that I meet this person in real life

I have learned more about sex and human bodies in this woman’s last four videos than I ever learned in any classroom. Watch the rest here.

I feel like more people need to watch this channel because it’s awesome.
Sexplanations that pretty much gives you everything you want to know about sex, gender, masterbation, and every other thing that interconnects with that with a really cool host that makes things now weird to think or talk about.

Dr Lindsey Doe is just the best person ever.

Dr. Doe is freakin hilarious. She makes watching these video’s, which are about sex, easy and fun. SHE PUTS A FREAKIN CONDOM ON HER HEAD, BLOWS IT UP USING HER NOSE, THEN SMILES AFTER TAKING IT OFF. GO WATCH. NOW. SO INFORMATIVE.

 A channel founded by the vlogbrothers and hosted by clinical sexologist Dr. Lindsey.  The videos cover everything from STIs to anatomy to the history of sexology to love styles.  The videos are funny, informative, and sexplanational.

 So I just discovered this new AWESOME YouTube Channel where this nice sexologist Lindsey Doe talks honestly and answers questions about sexuality, and this popped out in the recommendations.


i just watched the entire sexplanations playlist tonight (50ish youtube videos)

If my mum were to find some way to check my history she would see that I watched the sexplanations masturbation video over and over and over and over and over.

Everyone go subscribe to hank green’s channel called sexplanations because dr. Doe is a cutie pie

Sexplanations, Dr. Doe, and this video in particular, are the greatest things on YouTube, I think. -

Sexplanations is really flippin’ good

Sexplanations is a fantastic youtube channel dedicated to respectful and honest information about the whole spectrum of human sexuality.

3:50 AM. Just finished working - and for some unclear reason I started watching Sexplanations. And now I can’t stop. Jesus, she’s good! And ‘There will be sleeping enough in the grave’ so…

No but the sexplanations channel is really interesting.

This lady is one of the reasons I want to be a sexologist. Before watching Sexplanations, I’d always seen a sexologist as an old man, wearing a white doctors coat, glasses, very serious faced. Lindsey changed all that, and that’s what I love about her. She changed my idea about the profession and has inspired me to start looking into becoming a sexologist.

Sexplanations basically addresses questions I had at 13 that I didn’t want in my family desktop’s search history

The most recent Sexplanations video is about Identity and I want to write a blog post about it…..my I’m almost too nervous/scared/etc to start it. -___-

So if you haven’t watched Sexplanations, you probably should. What I really like about this video is that she goes through the stages of flirting in detail but also when to recognize when someone is saying “no” without actually saying “no” (and that you should move on and how to politely move on). 4 for you sexplanations, good for you.

Spent all afternoon watching sexplanations lol

It’s a sex channel, meaning Doc Doe explains sex and everything along with it in clear ways.
So basically It’s everything your sex ed didn’t teach.

okay so im watchig sexplanations and this channel is just so good
like it makes me want to do this kind of thing for a living becasue I feel like theres all this awkwardness and misinformation about sex and I think there should be a lot less of that in the world CUZ EVERYONE HAS SEX AND NO ONE WOULD EXIST IF SEX WASNT A THING SO PEOPLE SHOULD BE OKAY TALKING ABOUT IT
like I just want everyone to be comfortable and safe and informed ya dig

Why am I not actively watching Sexplanations every second of my life

Sexplanations is my new favorite thing

I just watched three YouTube videos, and I want to share them all, but I don’t want to overwhelm your dashboard, so here they are.

I love Lindsey.

A great new channel called “Sexplanations” has been created with the help of Hank Green!
Dr. Lindsey Doe gives easy to understand information to anyone who seeks it for free about sex, human sexuality, contraceptives, UTIs, anatomy and everything in between!
I think this is a really great project since there are so many people in the world, especially younger, little ones, who are too embarrassed (although you shouldn’t be!) to ask for or seek out this information! 

I feel like this is something that isn’t brought up enough or talked about and it would really help people with vaginas to know about the functions of their own bodies.

Sexplanations I love this channel!!

Dr. Lindsey Doe is a sexologist with a great YouTube channel, Sexplanations. Her ask video here is mostly geared towards schooling to be in sexology, etc.. But, generally speaking, her advice was spot on for anyone stumped on what major to choose or how to pick a school.

So happy that this channel has been progressing nicely. So thankful for Hank Green putting this together

Sexplanations is one of the most important youtube channels I’ve ever watched, and I think everyone should go give it a once over.


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