Thought ( मनन ) - 34: Quotes and Thoughts


1. हर इंसान अपने आप में सही होता है - Optimist

2. इंसान खुद को कितना ही सही समझ ले, वो हमेशा गलत होता है - Pessimist


3. "I hate few things,

 I Passionately hate nothing,

 I want few things,

 I passionately want nothing."


4. There are so many important things in a humans life that he wants to achieve and he sacrifices one for other.  Keep the number of dreams limited so you don't have to sacrifice one for other. In short, Control your desires, Don't let desires control you

5. Nobody is wrong
Try to understand others
Forgive yourself
Punish who are wrong but never take revenge
Do not get angry


6. I easily believe people but I never truly believe in anyone or anything even me, this is my greatest strength and this is my greatest weakness .

I have met some people in my life who would (declare to)  fight to death to save Hindi from English. They are more knowledgeable in English than in Hindi although, their mother tongue is Hindi.

7. Our biggest problem is not that our poorest citizen are uneducated, but  "the richest, strongest most educated are not properly educated" . Our most powerful leaders leads with biases based on state, sex, caste, religion etc.

8. You might be frustrated with my criticism but later people will start to blindly follow you. What I am trying to do is to ensure that 'you are indeed correct' and in the process I get corrected.
- GMeena,

9. I dream when I am awake and I forget the things, I see while sleeping

10. There is fairly good chance that I might die disappointed, but I still choose to dream

11. You have tried your best to make me hate you, but you lost. My friend, you lost

12. I do not think of myself as total 'Utilitarian' person but if someone says I(he/she) want to make a record  and for that please raise some money, I get confused.

13. If you have a "good" thought/idea that start with 'If I were a dictator', You are wrong.

14 The problem with people (especially Indians) is that they fear uncertainty. Due to this fear, they just make a hypothetical veil of certainty and hide behind it. If we want to progress, we must remove that veil and accept uncertainty, it will always be there. Only by accepting uncertainty, we can expand boundaries of our knowledge that is certain. -

15. You should fear the day when you start setting/thinking about Goals of your children. This will be the day you will lose hope in yourself.

16. Why to be good and not evil?

If you see macroscopically you will realize that there is some net good and some net bad in this world. Now your next action will decide if you are giving yourself a better world or worse.

If your next action is good you will give a better world to yourself and others, if your next action is bad you will give a worse world to yourself and others.

(Note: This is mainly for atheist and agnostics but even a theist can relate to it)


17. If you want to know if any action is good or bad, just ask yourself will it be good if every body in world behave or act in that manner. (Debatable)


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