
Showing posts from 2015

Thought ( मनन ) - Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Can Robots precisely replace a specific human ? Human brain is most random thing I know of. Their attitude in life can change by one single event. Not only his life time but earth's history, society, people they meet, news they read, lies they hear, air they breath, sun rays they absorb and what not, makes a unique human. So, According to me, recording though a camera or something might not be sufficient. Only possible way is to read and decipher every single unit of human body including software part. This type of scientific achievement is too far in future. "We can make something that behaves like human or a clone but not a replica of already existing specific human". Is Strong AI next stage of evolution of human ? yes, it might become a case where human get replaced by Artificial intelligence. We have started with bone replacement, smart wear, google glass/hololens, artificial organs-> cyborg is next thing and then may be full fledged "ex-machina...

Idea : Start a youtube channel for foreigners travelling India

I have come across many channels for popular countries that teach about their culture that will be helpful to foreigners traveling there. But from my preliminary search I could not find any youtube channel that is built specifically for this. There are some channels like BeingIndian ( but they do not keep foreign viewers in mind i.e. they do not have English subtitles, they do not ask questions that a foreigner might have. So I have collected bunch of ideas on which videos can be made: Ideas: First time travellers: 5  regions travel guide colorful India How to say thank you, sorry, good/bad behaviors , Indian stereotypes about foreigners and vice versa, How not to be rude How to travel: metro, bus, city bus, rikshaw, train Train(platform, timing, status and other problems) Asking directions Home designs in India: Manners in India What to do in Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, calcutta, Bangalor...

My Youtube Subscriptions - Animal wonders montana - ASAP science - ASAP Thought - The Science Channel - CGPgrey - Crashcourse - Big Think - Deep Astronomy - DoeEyes - the ellenshow - sexplanations - scishow space - scishow

Tumblr posts about sexplanation, DoeEyes and Dr. Lindsay Doe

I just came to know about youtube channels:DoeEyes and sexplanation by Dr. Lindsay Doe I thought of reviewing it myself but my words were not doing justice. Instead, I decided to collect different posts from tumblr. Youtube links:  DoeEyes , sexplanations Tumblr: Brighten your day up and squee for 10 seconds Okay I thought I wasn’t really going to be into watching the sexplanations channel just because it was a bunch of medical stuff but Lindsey, the host, is so fucking hilarious and adorable. Great channel to check out guys, you learn a lot and it’s just enjoyable. Many thanks for Hank, John, and the nerdfighteria census for letting me know about this great channel I missed. This woman makes me happy. I really love Dr. Doe. Sexplanations has become one of my favorite YouTube channels to watch; she’s just so cute. I love youtube channel sexplanations. Dr. Lindsey Doe is my favorite sex educator on the internet. - This is a prime exampl...

Summary: rough draft

MBTI: INTJ Enneagram:1W9 I was born in rural Environment and enjoyed 10yrs of my life experimenting with life. I have a habit of tinkering with things so broke many things like video games, calculators and TV. Liked to play Hero/Guardian of area so Gang wars were common phenomena during those days. Also tried my hand in building bio gas plant and cultivating mushroom but I think 15 was too early of age. (vacation time) Age 10-14: Hostel life: Didn't have much freedom there in terms of tinkering so tried my hand on literature. My first essay topic was 'love'. Beside that  I had to manage my image as good (May be one of the best mannered) boy so most of creative energy was wasted there. Favorite student of most of teachers but fought with some irrational ones. 14-16: Independent life and study time: Lived in rented room. Started writing poems. Land lord had one broken TV in his storage room -> connected some wires and used table fan as antenna -> Doordarshan and...

Thought ( मनन ) - 36: Excerpt from "Ethics and Governance" - By Dr. Mahi Pal

Excerpt from "Ethics and Governance" - By Dr. Mahi Pal Desires are the root cause of all ills of society and implements in ushering era OF ethical governance. In order to satisfy desires, person wants to earn money by hook and crook to satisfy desires and thereby realize happiness. But happiness is not achieved by way of hoarding money and resources. It can only achieve by way of forgoing or eliminating desires. People in general expect fruits of an action in term of outcome or expectations before initiating the action or performing his duties. If we follow the dictum that we have performed our duties with the earnest and the outcome is not in our hands, then, the desire will not be created by people because at that time mind would be in the state of wantlessness. Professor J K Mehta noted Economist had built his economic philosophy on the basis that people take up various economic activities to get happiness. But the real happiness does not come by takin...

Thought ( मनन ) - 35: A poem from secondary education

As I changed my medium, It was hard to get holistic meaning of many things. Usual practice was to mug up for exams. Because of this, I don’t remember much of text from my secondary education. But a poem haunted :P me from time to time. I forgot its words but, surely, I disagreed on the crux of Poem. Here it is - The Unknown Citizen W. H. Auden, 1907 - 1973 (To JS/07 M 378 This Marble Monument Is Erected by the State) He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be One against whom there was no official complaint, And all the reports on his conduct agree That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a saint, For in everything he did he served the Greater Community. Except for the War till the day he retired He worked in a factory and never got fired, But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc. Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views, For his Union reports that he paid his dues, (Our report on his Union shows it was sound) And our Social Psycholog...

Thought ( मनन ) - 34: Quotes and Thoughts

Quotes: 1. हर इंसान अपने आप में सही होता है - Optimist 2. इंसान खुद को कितना ही सही समझ ले, वो हमेशा गलत होता है - Pessimist ---------------------------------------------- 3. "I hate few things,  I Passionately hate nothing,  I want few things,  I passionately want nothing." ---------------------------------------------------- 4. There are so many important things in a humans life that he wants to achieve and he sacrifices one for other.  Keep the number of dreams limited so you don't have to sacrifice one for other. In short, Control your desires, Don't let desires control you ---------------------------------------------------- 5. Nobody is wrong Try to understand others Forgive yourself Punish who are wrong but never take revenge Do not get angry ---------------------------------------------------- 6. I easily believe people but I never truly believe in anyone or anything even me, this is my greatest strength and this is my greatest ...

Tutorial 22: Useful CSS Snippets

Font-family for body body {      font-family:"Helvetica Neue Light",HelveticaNeue-Light,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }; For any article : .content {      font : 1em / 1.4 Segoe, "Segoe UI" , "Helvetica Neue" , Arial , sans-serif ; } .title {      font : 1.7em / 1.2 Baskerville, "Baskerville old face" , "Hoefler Text" , Garamond, "Times New Roman" , serif ; } . code {      font : 0.8em / 1.6 Monaco, Mono-Space, monospace ; } For Zebra tables table tr:nth-child(even) {      background : rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 ); } Some Link Styling a {      text-decoration : none ;      color : #08C ;      transition : all 0.3 s ease-out;      position : relative ;      padding : . 5em ;      margin : -. 5em ;...