Manan -1 : Expectations, Introvert and Emotions

Expectations, Introvert and Emotions, these are the top three words that crossed my mind in past few days. First, I would like to talk about expectations which probably involves only me. From personal point of view I hate the idea or thought of expectation from someone. Expectation is like something you can't or couldn't achieve in your life so you are expecting that from someone.

People may have expected something from me in my 21 years but they never forced me to be what they expected and I never tried to be so. I did what I was interested in. I am good at almost no game but I like skating, swimming, cycling. I like writing poems so I write. People expect me to remember them and perform but I don't. I think I have this bad quality when people expect something from me I get frustrated or (may be this emotion have different name) but main thing is I don't want to do what people expect from me (This does not applies to IT to which I am addicted) . If you want a happy life you should only guide someone and expect all possible results. At least do not pressurize the person. That's why I said -

"Expect best, Expect worst and get surprised"   - This is a little modified version of a famous quote

Now second word, Introvert - "Someone who doesn't share his feelings or thought to others". Normally an Introvert have his personal and intimate zones far bigger then a social guy. But here the case is little different, Its like there are two personalities and both do not share their emotions and feeling with each other. One personality shares everything it knows to the world, It keeps no secret. I haven't seen any more truthful person then him. About the other, Even I don't know much about him. He sees all the dreams, remembers them, sees them in series, continue after one or two years.

Emotions - this is little complicated stuff and Involves Dunno whom coz I really don't know so leave it.


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