
Showing posts from 2023

Simple word cloud on msg array

  from wordcloud import WordCloud def plt_word_cloud ( text ):     wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(text)     # take relative word frequencies into account, lower max_font_size     wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color= "white" ,max_words= 120 ,max_font_size= 40 , relative_scaling= 1 ).generate(text)     fig = plt.figure(figsize=( 10 , 8 ))     plt.imshow(wordcloud)     plt.axis( "off" ) def prepare_cloud_text ( df , name = 'None' ):     df[ 'message' ]= df[ 'message' ]. str .replace( 'omitted' , ' ' )     df[ 'message' ]= df[ 'message' ]. str .replace( 'media' , ' ' )     text= ''     if name== 'None' :         k = df[ 'message' ]     else :         k = df[df[ 'name' ]==name][ 'message' ]     for i in k:         text = text+i     text = (text.encode( 'ascii' , '...

Building a Better Future: Pathways Over Chariots

Title: Introduction: Life is a journey we all embark on, a road that stretches far into the horizon. Along this journey, we may have different vehicles, metaphorical chariots if you will, that carry us forward. Some may ride in luxurious, gilded chariots, while others rely on more modest means. However, the truth is that the condition of the path we all travel on touches every one of us, regardless of our chariots. In this blog post, we will explore the idea that our primary focus should be on constructing superior pathways in life, rather than fixating on the material trappings of our chariots. Furthermore, it's an undeniable fact that the common man of today enjoys more facilities and conveniences than the kings of the last century. The Universal Road: Life is an equal opportunity journey. No matter our background, wealth, or status, we all find ourselves navigating the same path - a path filled with challenges, joys, setbacks, and triumphs. This path is universal, and its condit...

Using ML concepts to assess a political leader's tenure

 Using ML concepts to assess a political leaders tenure Accuracy - Aligning Actions with Promises: In assessing a  political leader's tenure, accuracy could metaphorically represent how well the leader's actions align with their campaign promises and stated objectives. Did they deliver on the core commitments they made to the electorate? Precision - Effectiveness in Achieving Goals: Precision in this context might refer to the leader's ability to implement policies and initiatives that effectively address the key issues facing the country. Were their actions targeted and well-executed? Recall - A Comprehensive Approach: Recall could signify the leader's ability to consider and address a wide range of issues and challenges during their time in office. Did they demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the nation's needs? F1 Score - Balancing Act: The F1 score, as a balance between precision and recall, could metaphorically represent the  political leader's abi...

Using the conecpts which imporoves ML to imrpove policy making

 Did you know that the very concepts used to improve machine learning models can also elevate the quality of government processes and policy-making? In this article, we will explore how the principles of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 can revolutionize the way policies are created, implemented, and assessed for their impact on society. Accuracy - Measuring the Success of Policies: Accuracy is akin to hitting the bullseye in a game of darts, but when applied to policy-making, it serves a different purpose. Here, accuracy pertains to how well a policy aligns with its intended objectives and whether it accurately addresses the issues at hand. Example: Consider a government aiming to reduce income inequality. Measuring the accuracy of this policy would involve assessing how effectively it narrows the income gap among its citizens, based on concrete data. Precision - Fine-Tuning Policy Objectives: Precision in policy-making is about minimizing errors and ensuring that policies are...

Intent Auditing: Ensuring Alignment and Efficiency in Rule, Policy, and System Implementation

Introduction In today's complex world, organizations rely on a myriad of rules, policies, processes, and systems to guide their operations. These tools are designed with specific intents in mind, ranging from enhancing security to streamlining workflows. However, as organizations grow and evolve, it becomes crucial to periodically evaluate whether these tools are still aligned with their original intent and whether they are operating efficiently without causing unintended consequences. This process is known as "intent auditing." Understanding Intent Auditing Intent auditing involves a systematic examination of the underlying goals and purposes of a rule, policy, process, or system. It aims to answer two fundamental questions: 1. Is the tool (rule, policy, process, or system) aligned with its original intent? 2. Is the tool operating efficiently, without creating unnecessary burdens or side effects? Let's delve deeper into each of these aspects. Alignment with Original...

Evaluating a Nation's Success: Social Security as a Better Measure

Have you ever wondered what makes a country truly successful? Is it a high GDP or a high level of happiness among its citizens? While these factors are often used to gauge a nation's prosperity, there's one essential aspect that deserves more attention: social security. The Purpose of a State A country, or a state, is formed with a significant goal in mind—to ensure the well-being of its people. This means taking steps to reduce feelings of insecurity and to provide a safety net for all citizens. The Role of Social Security Social security is a fundamental part of this safety net. It includes things like access to healthcare, education, unemployment benefits, and support for the elderly. These measures are put in place to help citizens in times of need, ensuring they have a good quality of life, irrespective of economic or personal challenges. Why Social Security Matters Now, you might be wondering why we should judge and compare nations based on their level of soci...

The Urgent Need for a Comprehensive Mandatory Pension Scheme

In recent times, a significant surge in applications for higher pension benefits under the Employees' Pension Scheme (EPS) 1995 was witnesses following a landmark Supreme Court judgment. This sudden influx has shed light on a critical issue: the absence of a government-backed pension scheme that retiring employees can trust to provide them with a sustainable monthly pension, thereby enabling them to maintain their existing lifestyle. While EPS 1995 was initially designed to benefit those earning below a certain ceiling limit, the 2014 amendment made it clear that it was not intended for employees earning above this limit. This has left a sizable portion of the working population without a reliable pension plan. The Growing Gap One of the key concerns arising from this situation is the growing gap between an individual's first employment and retirement. On average, this period spans around 30 years, during which employees need to plan and save for their post-retirement life. How...


From Generative AI  सपने होते है अलग अलग किसी का सपना है की समीक्षा बैठक से पहले शिकायते जीरो हो जाए किसी का सपना है की केस पकड़ में आये तो कोई किसी को तो सजा मिल जाए किसी का सपना है की सीखे न सीखे कोई ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रशिक्षण हो जाए किसी का सपना है की वर्क थोड़ा कम हो स्टडी बिलकुल न हो पाए किसी का सपना है की थोड़ा थोड़ा करके जितना करना है कर लो पर कोई बड़ा खर्चा मुझ तक न आये किसी का सपना है की विकास मानव  का हो न हो कुछ ट्रांसफर हो जाए किसी का सपना है की बड़ी लिस्ट हो संदेहजनक केसेस की की अगला फ्रॉड लिस्ट से आये किसी का सपना है की रिबन कटौतियां और उद्घाटन करना कब इनसे छुटकारा पाए किसी का सपना है की राज करू सभी पर मैं न कोई सवाल पूछे न कोई जवाबदेही हो इसी में जीवन कट जाए किसी का सपना है की ऊपर के प्रेशर को नीचे पहुचाये और निचले कर्मचारी की आवाज़ दब  जाए किसी का सपना है की जो सामाजिक सुरक्षा औरो को दे रहा वही जीवन बीमा, वही हेल्थ बीमा वही भविस्य निधि की सुरक्षा उसे भी मिल जाए

comparing two dataframes

  # Assuming you have two DataFrames df1 and df2 comparison_result = ( df_116 ) # Filter the differing rows differing_rows = comparison_result [ ( 0 ) . any ( axis= 1 )] # Print the differing rows print ( differing_rows )

Intent auditing

 Intent auditing - Identifying the intent behind creation of a rule/policy/process/ system and testing whether it is efficiently working toward the intent without taking extra load and without producing side effects

Office Initiatives

 Daily 1 hr in PRO by officers Suggestion box Complaint box Shoe cleaning  Plants vertical garden Hand dryer Live TV QR code based important links Women Helpdesk Death Claim Help desk Pension Help desk 

Ideas for New projects

Approximate date of promotion based on seniority list Simulation of staff strength on each level Actuarial analysis of Pension fund Simulation of pooled scheme sustainability/balance based on incoming which dependent on demographic ratio and output A mechanism for tracking the request based on initial data input and daily status update