
Showing posts from September, 2013

Tutorial 14: My favorite Node.js - libraries/modules

This is my list of selected node modules which can go in one single page application (Its highly biased list) Note: Only use all of the tools if they are required BASE node.js,npm,nodemon TESTING dependency and package management yeoman,bower,grunt yeoman generator generator-angular,generator-express-angular Live/Realtime Communication Socket.IO For login passport, [passport-basic,passport-local,passport-http] Backend Framework expressjs Frontend MVC AngularJS whatever you like FrontEnd UI Framework Twitter Bootstrap, Angular-ui (to fit with angularJS) Graphics D3.js Documentation yuidocs Database mongodb Date moment.js IDE webstorm,sublimetext,notepad++,brackets,vi FrontEnd Cache angular cachefactory For more:

Idea 11: tagging files with foldernames in file browser

Problem: I have collection of many images or books which can belong to multiple categories like C, algorithms, interview, database, OS, windows, for images icons, website headers, awesome, minimal, abstract, print. For songs new songs, old songs, romantic songs, comedy songs, awesome songs, slow songs, fast songs In current design of file browsers either I have to make multiple folders for each category and make duplicate copies of books or images to place in each folder. [in case i want to view items from a specific category ] Solution: Implement a tagging functionality in file browsers where it is easy to tag multiple files with a foldername or category name like in MS. excel we can copy content of cell to other cells just by dragging it  over other cells

Tutorial 13: Simple snippet C time_t to int

#include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(){ struct tm tm; time_t epoch; if (strptime("2013-09-10 10:10:10", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm)) { epoch = mktime(&tm); printf("%d\n",(size_t)epoch); } else printf("error\n"); return 0; }