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Type of Common Charts used in visualization

 Type of Common Charts used in Visualization Horizontal Bar Vertical Bar/Column Line Area Scatter Pie Pictograph Bubble Chart Guage Chart Stacked Venn Map(area) Map(Point) Box Plot Vertical Stacked Bar Side by Side bar HeatMap Radar/Spider Chart Tree Maps Circle Views/side by side Circles Feature Table A design doesn't just have information but also an intention.                                                                            -Someone famous   In my opinion, the field of Magic, perception, Cognitive Science, Behavioural Economics, Art of Persuation, User Interface Design, User Experience, Data Science, Data Visualisation, Color Theory etc. are up to some percent are...


कुछ फैला हुआ सा डर है, कुछ छाई है इर्ष्या सी, जीत से नहीं, खुश होते - हार से दूसरों की, ना जाने क्या चाहते हैं, थाली का बैगन हो जैसे, आँखें मूंदे भागते जाते हैं।

Land of miracles

Welcome, weary wanderer, step inside, To Inefficiency's realm, where reason has died. Absurdity's banner unfurls in the breeze, Prepare for a journey that's sure to displease! Security Theater Passwords and codes, a labyrinthine maze, OTPs descend in maddening waves. "Prove you're not a bot, " the system does say, Though a robot might find a more logical way. Time Bending In hours so meager, we work without end, The laws of the cosmos, we twist and we bend. Thirty-hour tasks compressed into eight, While physics weeps for its pitiful fate. Money Out of Thin Air Where budgets go missing, and debts reappear, Finances dance with a whimsical leer. A conjurer's sleight with each debit and bill, The rules of accounting surrender their will. Accountability? Never Heard of It What matters are failings, the stumbles, the slips, Accomplishments fade, like words on your lips. A focus on errors, a relentless critique, Enough to make ev...

To do

 In claim report Add DAname, initials or userid Add DA processing datetime separate Reason1, Reason2 In periodicity report: Add DAname, initials, userid Add DAprocessing datetime separate Reason1,Reason2  In Primary detail, Online detail, other detail Add Taskid,  Add name/initials/userid add Da processing datetime In transfer status: replace Slip Type mismatched  with the exact status and office where the request is pending Passbook Show the correct status whether the service has been added in new account of not. Transferred and added to Member id, transferred but not added to member id due to rejection, transferred but pending  

Simple word cloud on msg array

  from wordcloud import WordCloud def plt_word_cloud ( text ):     wordcloud = WordCloud().generate(text)     # take relative word frequencies into account, lower max_font_size     wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color= "white" ,max_words= 120 ,max_font_size= 40 , relative_scaling= 1 ).generate(text)     fig = plt.figure(figsize=( 10 , 8 ))     plt.imshow(wordcloud)     plt.axis( "off" ) def prepare_cloud_text ( df , name = 'None' ):     df[ 'message' ]= df[ 'message' ]. str .replace( 'omitted' , ' ' )     df[ 'message' ]= df[ 'message' ]. str .replace( 'media' , ' ' )     text= ''     if name== 'None' :         k = df[ 'message' ]     else :         k = df[df[ 'name' ]==name][ 'message' ]     for i in k:         text = text+i     text = (text.encode( 'ascii' , '...

Building a Better Future: Pathways Over Chariots

Title: Introduction: Life is a journey we all embark on, a road that stretches far into the horizon. Along this journey, we may have different vehicles, metaphorical chariots if you will, that carry us forward. Some may ride in luxurious, gilded chariots, while others rely on more modest means. However, the truth is that the condition of the path we all travel on touches every one of us, regardless of our chariots. In this blog post, we will explore the idea that our primary focus should be on constructing superior pathways in life, rather than fixating on the material trappings of our chariots. Furthermore, it's an undeniable fact that the common man of today enjoys more facilities and conveniences than the kings of the last century. The Universal Road: Life is an equal opportunity journey. No matter our background, wealth, or status, we all find ourselves navigating the same path - a path filled with challenges, joys, setbacks, and triumphs. This path is universal, and its condit...

Using ML concepts to assess a political leader's tenure

 Using ML concepts to assess a political leaders tenure Accuracy - Aligning Actions with Promises: In assessing a  political leader's tenure, accuracy could metaphorically represent how well the leader's actions align with their campaign promises and stated objectives. Did they deliver on the core commitments they made to the electorate? Precision - Effectiveness in Achieving Goals: Precision in this context might refer to the leader's ability to implement policies and initiatives that effectively address the key issues facing the country. Were their actions targeted and well-executed? Recall - A Comprehensive Approach: Recall could signify the leader's ability to consider and address a wide range of issues and challenges during their time in office. Did they demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the nation's needs? F1 Score - Balancing Act: The F1 score, as a balance between precision and recall, could metaphorically represent the  political leader's abi...

Using the conecpts which imporoves ML to imrpove policy making

 Did you know that the very concepts used to improve machine learning models can also elevate the quality of government processes and policy-making? In this article, we will explore how the principles of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 can revolutionize the way policies are created, implemented, and assessed for their impact on society. Accuracy - Measuring the Success of Policies: Accuracy is akin to hitting the bullseye in a game of darts, but when applied to policy-making, it serves a different purpose. Here, accuracy pertains to how well a policy aligns with its intended objectives and whether it accurately addresses the issues at hand. Example: Consider a government aiming to reduce income inequality. Measuring the accuracy of this policy would involve assessing how effectively it narrows the income gap among its citizens, based on concrete data. Precision - Fine-Tuning Policy Objectives: Precision in policy-making is about minimizing errors and ensuring that policies are...